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Daily School Procedures

The school day begins at 9:15am and ends at 4:00pm. The FCJ front office is open from 8:45am to 4:30pm during the school year. 

You can reach the FCJ front office by dialing (317) 594-4390

Please reference the Student Handbook for all school policy and procedure details.

2024-2025 Bell Schedule

Permission To Walk


Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you accommodate guests on the Bus?  

Due to our enrollment numbers and bus capacity, we will not be able to accommodate guest riders for the 2024-2025 school year.  

What if my student needs to leave early?

Any student leaving early will require a note or phone call from the parent. Upon picking up the child, a parent will need to show their Photo ID to the office personnel. Student will scan out of the building using a QR code. Only verified, skyward listed adults may retrieve your student. A one-time authorization can be allowed if the parent/guardian has approved this with the Attendance Secretary. 

What if my student is running late?

Students can enter the buildings without a parent. They will scan a QR code upon arrival and head to their class. 

What if we have a medical or dental appointment during the school day?

All absences for medical and dental appointments as well as general illness will require written verification from a medical professional for the absence to be medically excused.  

How do I report an absence for my student?

A parent/guardian may call the 24-hour Fall Creek attendance line at 317-594-4398 or email our attendance secretary, Sarah Rohrer ( to report an absence. You may also use this method to report early dismissals, late arrivals, and all-day absences. 

When calling for early dismissal, please allow the office a minimum of 30-minute window prior to the student dismissal time. If you have an emergency and cannot provide the 30-minute window, please call our main line: 317-594-4390. Only verified, skyward listed adults may retrieve your student. A one-time authorization can be allowed if the parent/guardian has approved this with the Attendance Secretary. 

How does the car rider line work?

Please pull up as far as possible when waiting. For the safety of all students, we ask that parents refrain from parking in adjacent parking lots and having their child walk to them. In addition, please do not park and wait in neighboring business parking spaces. This disrupts their business operations and impacts the customer experience. Once classes are dismissed, the car rider line will move quickly. Thank you for your cooperation and support. 

Volunteering at FCJ

Please review the SafeVisitor information to learn more about the process and begin the steps for your background check.

Visitors/volunteers/chaperones MUST have a Safevisitor background check on file with Hamilton Southeastern Schools to be allowed to volunteer or chaperone in the building or for events.

Who Can Pick Up My Student(s)

If a student needs to leave early for any reason, only family and individuals listed on a student's approved Skyward list can pick up the student.

Under the "Family and Emergency Contact" tab in Skyward, list your approved people to pick up your student. Approved individuals must show a valid Driver's License.